À propos

Travail d'équipe

S.O.N.I.A prides itself of its hard work and teamwork; we believe that knowledge is best obtained through hands-on experience and collaboration. That is why we always strive for an educational environment open for all who desire to learn.


Knowledge shouldn’t have limits. That is why S.O.N.I.A makes all projects open source for all teams to use. The club currently shares all GitHub repositories for other participating teams and enthusiasts alike to aid in the conception of their own autonomous submarine.

Innovation constante

Improvement and innovation on preexisting prototypes is what makes each generation of autonomous submarines better!

Facts about us…

Depuis 1999

SONIA celebrated its 25 years.

Robosub event

Notre objectif principal est de participer à l'événement annuel Robosub.


Repositories on GitHub.


Notre club est composé d'étudiants issus de programmes en mécanique, électricité, production automatisée et génie logiciel.


Since the creation of SONIA there have been 8 generations of autonomous submarines.

Tâches complexes

S.O.N.I.A has to perform several complex tasks such as identifying obstacles, picking up and dropping objects, following acoustic signals… All without human intervention!


Contributors over the years.

Engineering University

SONIA est un club scientifique de l'École de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal, QC.


SONIA I (1999-2000)

SONIA II (2001)

SONIA III (2002-2003)

SONIA IV (2004-2005)

SONIA V (2006-2008)

SONIA VI (2009-2010)

SONIA VII (2011-2013)

SONIA VIII – Kraken (2014-2016)

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